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2 min read

Windows 7 End of Life is Almost Here—Are You Safe?

January 14, 2020 is just around the corner—are you ready to take that next step? Time is running out for Windows 7, and your entire infrastructure might be vulnerable if you’re not careful. Windows stops providing patch support, security updates, and other features in just a few short months. If you’re still operating with an outdated form of Windows, vulnerability protection has to be your number one priority moving forward. But what exactly are you vulnerable to? In this blog, we’ll talk about the different threats that your network is susceptible to after Windows 7 End of Life; options are out there, don’t worry. take the time to learn about what you’re up against, and then take action.


What Does End of Life Actually Mean?

We’ll start off by telling you what it doesn’t mean: your software program will not literally shut down and disappear. You can still use Windows 7 after January 14, 2020, but you’re going to find that there are a lot more issues that you have to deal with almost immediately. Malware, hackers, and viruses will have a much easier time finding their way through your network’s defenses once Microsoft ceases all updates for your software. So, if you’re dead-set on using Windows 7 until the cows come home, we’re not going to stop you—but we will tell you that you’re making a big mistake for the security of your network.


Is Any Other Microsoft Platform Approaching it’s EOL?

Good question! Windows Server 2008 R2 is also approaching it’s EOL date (same as Windows 7). This operating systems is typically used for backend processes, and unfortunately will become just as vulnerable as the aforementioned Windows 7. If your company is relying on either of those platforms, it’s time to make a change!


Didn’t Mainstream Support for Windows 7 End a While Ago?

Yes, it did—almost 5 years ago. New features ceased being added, and warranty claims became void. But the updates kept rolling in and support was still provided. That’s why this change is a much bigger deal. Companies can’t count on the same level of service that they’ve grown accustomed to anymore.


What Can You Do About Emerging Threats?

This might be obvious in a blog about switching operating systems, but—you can switch operating systems! Once the EOL date is reached, your Windows 7 platform won’t be patched to account for any new viruses or security threats, leaving your network vulnerable to countless external agents.


Avoid Downtime—Make the Jump

If you’re in a situation where you find yourself using an outdated operating system, it’s only going to become more complicated the longer you wait. Don’t be stuck counting down the days until Windows 7 End of Life; updates aren’t on the way, but Valeo Networks has the answer. Our team specializes in migrating servers to new platforms, all while ensuring maximum uptime and airtight data security. Hackers will look to exploit your vulnerabilities if you stick it out with Windows 7. Don’t let your company be a casualty when the solution is right there in front of you.

We know that changing up the technology you use can be a daunting decision. After all, what if you switch to a platform that doesn’t ultimately make sense for your workflow? That’s where Valeo comes in. Our team excels at helping clients get the perfect solutions for their environment, with in-depth audits and analyses that help us chart your course for future success. For more information on how our team can take you beyond simple extended support, help you move to a new platform (like Windows 10), and give you the opportunity to perform at a higher level than ever before, reach out to Valeo Networks today.

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